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Results For "Shalby-Hospitals"

3 News Found

Shalby Hospitals teams up with Ganpat university to offer MBA in healthcare management
Hospitals | September 29, 2021

Shalby Hospitals teams up with Ganpat university to offer MBA in healthcare management

The aspirant can enrol in MBA (Healthcare and Hospital Management) at Ganpat University, -Centre for Management Studies and Research, which will be facilitated by Ganpat University and Shalby Centre for Healthcare Management and Research

Shalby commences pre-registration for kids' covid vaccine
Healthcare | November 03, 2021

Shalby commences pre-registration for kids' covid vaccine

The preregistrations are aimed at registering both healthy children and those with comorbidities whereas preference will be given for children with comorbidities

Shalby Hospital opens its first orthopaedic and joint replacement franchisee in Udaipur, Rajasthan
Hospitals | September 13, 2021

Shalby Hospital opens its first orthopaedic and joint replacement franchisee in Udaipur, Rajasthan

The hospital through its network performs more than 10,000 joint replacement surgeries annually