Orexo extends patent protection for its nasal epinephrine powder product OX640 in the US

Orexo extends patent protection for its nasal epinephrine powder product OX640 in the US

The newly issued patent, US Patent No. 11,957,647, provides both expanded scope of protection as well as longer patent term

  • By IPP Bureau | April 22, 2024

Orexo announces that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted another US patent specifically related to OX640, Orexo's nasal epinephrine powder product based on the AmorphOX drug delivery platform.

In August 2023, the USPTO granted the first patent for OX640 in the US, providing protection until May 2041. The newly issued patent, US Patent No. 11,957,647, provides both expanded scope of protection as well as longer patent term, now extending until November 2042. Orexo has multiple patent applications filed on a global basis and expects to continuously strengthen the patent portfolio for OX640.

Nikolaj Sørensen, President and CEO, said: "Once again, I am pleased with the USPTO recognising the inventiveness of our OX640 product and the AmorphOX technology. This is the eighth patent based on the technology, underscoring its uniqueness and value. In parallel, we continue to broaden the applications of AmorphOX by testing the technology with new substances, which is expected to lead to more patents. The extended exclusivity for OX640 build additional long-term value and improves the attractiveness for potential partners for commercialization in the US market."

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